The Nevada Republican candidate for U.S. Senate once belonged to a conservative third-party that held extreme anti-gay views andĀ ran aĀ vitriolic ad against LGBT people in state...
The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday ruled against those seeking to keep secret the names of people who last year signed a petition to put an...
District 18 includes D.C. suburbs
The Department of Health & Human Services on Wednesday officiallyĀ proposed an new adminstrative rule following up on a presidential memorandum mandating hospital visitation rights for...
Family leave, hospital visitation changes announced
Activists want Obama to 'publicly and vocally' push pro-LGBT bills
President Obama next week is expected to deliver remarks on Tuesday at a White House reception in commemoration of Pride, the Blade has learned. “Invited guests...
Rev. Wilson called 'lesbianism' threat to youth, families
Gay blood donor ban goes unchanged & more
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will speak Tuesday on the importance of integrating LGBT issues in U.S. foreign policy, according to the State Department’s LGBT affinity...