Zach Ford named press secretary at Alliance for Justice
Findings encouraging but activists fear it could backfire
Findings assessed by examining previous studies going back decades
North Carolina news, Ru's Drag Race results, "Don't Say Gay" bill dies, and more
Anderson comes out, marriage motion in WA, ME, NH and Denmak, TN & KY aren't making kids safe, and more
Anonymous sources tell the Blade caucus is divided over the growing demand
Utah upends its sex-ed, California voters likely to approve same-sex marriage, Indiana lawmakers try to stop pro-gay licence plate, and more
Maine marriage polls look promising but give pause, incredible HIV med news, North Carolina on the verge, and more
Where the GOP candidates lie on LGBT issues, Obama's transgender childhood nanny, gay massacre in Iraq, Kirk Cameron's homophobia, and more
Maine will vote on marriage again, Grindr teams up with Courage Campaign, better HIV/AIDS prevention could come in the form of PrEP, and more