A Tea Party organization in Montana has removed its president after he made comments on Facebook that implied he supports bias-motivated violence against gays. The Montana-based...
Police issue alert, seek information
Chief condemns anti-gay police flier & more
Non-discrimination, disclosure issues decided
Gates: Veto possible of military gay ban bill & more
A local minister calling for a voter referendum to ban same-sex marriage in the nation’s capital startled a D.C. Board of Elections & Ethics hearing when...
The U.S. Justice Department is closely monitoring the fallout from an apparent anti-gay killing in Puerto Rico in an incident that could become the first prosecuted...
U.S. officials have received assurances from the Ugandan president that he would work to block a harshly anti-gay bill from becoming law in his country and...
HOUSTON — The finance chair and a finance committee member for a Houston mayoral candidate’s campaign helped bankroll the conservative political action committee that sent out...