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Kate Clinton Live Tickets (SOLD OUT)

Thank you to our 2017 Pride Sponsors:

We hear, ā€œShut up! No you shut up!ā€,Ā  ā€œI know you are, but what am I?ā€ and ā€œUr a 10.Ā  Ur a 9.Ā  Ur an 8.ā€ coming from President Peepeeā€™s Playhouse. Whatā€™s a comic to do? Tweet? Improv? Crack? Ā Wrong, wrong, wrong. Ā Nothing but knock, knock jokes! Ā They got people through the Great Depression; theyā€™ll get us through the Zombie Apocalypse.Ā  Theyā€™re fun, fast andĀ willĀ make you laugh the whole show. Knock, knock. Whoā€™s there? I hope you are.


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