Appellate judges will determine validity of California's marriage ban
Roland Martin causes a Twitter uproar, now GLAAD is calling on CNN to fire him, and more
Prop 8 update, Amazon gets behind marriage, and Madonna's new video
Military-related DOMA news, Prop 8 trial updates, NOM under fire, and more
Also appearing are several prominent LGBT allies, outspoken celebrities; several LGBT and AIDS charities to benefit
From N.Y. marriage to Frankās retirement, another year to remember in LGBT news
A former DOMA supporter becomes a sponsor of its repeal, group to take Prop 8 back to ballots in 2012, and more
Developments in the Prop 8 trial, LGBT bias banned in new NBA players' contract, homophobic Michigan mayor defiant, Anchorage Alaska to vote on LGBT rights
Should Judge Walker's decision be vacated because he's in a same-sex relationship?
Should the tapes of the original 9th Circuit Court trial be released to the public?