Voters in Maine, Md., Minn. and Washington to consider measures next week
According to Washington United for Marriage, Gates had previously contributed $100,000
D.C. among cities where National Engagement Parties have taken place
Beer gets behind gay marriage in Wash., Lindsay Lohan is in the Canyons, new gay networks, UK marriage hubub, and more!
LGBT ally rapper releases video as part of effort to shore up support for Referendum 74
The Vermont-based organization claims more than a million members
Organization had declined to join coalition of groups defending state law
Marriage leads in Wash. polls, school climate survey released with good news for LGBT students, and Grindr gets political
Zac Efron knows he'll be gay someday, San Fran. may ban public cock rings, Seattle Times all in for gay marriage, win your next debate &...
Freedom to Marry refused to get involved in the effort to fight Maryland's ballot initiative