Latin America
LGBTQ lawmakers in Latin America pledge to end conversion therapy in region
Agreement signed at Global Equality Caucus meeting in Argentina
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Openly LGBTQ lawmakers from across Latin America who gathered in Argentina’s capital last week agreed to work together to ban so-called conversion therapy in the region.
The second meeting of the Global Equality Caucus’ Latin America chapter took place in Buenos Aires. Those who attended agreed the effort to ban conversion therapy in the region would begin in countries where openly LGBTQ people have been elected to public office and where allies can be identified.
“Efforts to correct sexual orientation and gender identity (ECOSIG), also misnamed ‘conversion therapies,’ lack scientific support and are based on prejudices contrary to the human dignity of all people,” reads the document signed at the end of the meeting. “The practice of ECOSIG has been widely spread and institutionalized in our region, outside the law, which represents a threat to all LGBTI+ people and, especially, to the youngest members of the LGBTI+ community.”
Erick Iván Ortiz, who oversees the Global Equality Caucus’ work in Latin America, told the Washington Blade that “this is a pact that we also signed in Mexico and implies the commitment of legislators to advance laws and public policies that allow us to eradicate once and for all, these misnamed conversion therapies”.
According to the Global Equality Caucus representative, the meeting served “to demonstrate that congresses, national governments and local governments can and should work together to advance the rights of LGBTI people and how Argentina and Mexico are good examples and good practices.” Ortiz also stressed that from now on they will be able to face any threat from anti-LGBTQ groups in Latin America, “who seek to roll back, paralyze progress or simply deny our rights.
“What we need is a coordinated response from those of us who are and will remain in the struggle to advance the rights of LGBTI people,” said Ortiz.
The first part of the launch of the Global Equality Caucus’ Latin America chapter took place in Mexico City on April 1-2. The second meeting took place in Argentina from May 16-17.
Mercosur Parliamentarian María Luisa Storani, Argentine National Assemblyman Maximiliano Ferraro, Argentine National Sen. Guadalupe Tagliaferri, Peruvian Congresswoman Susel Paredes and Guatemalan Congressman Aldo Dávila, among others, attended the Buenos Aires meeting.
“The meeting met the expectations we had of having the opportunity to show the good practices and legislative and public policy experiences that Argentina has,” Ortiz stressed. “This is particularly important because they are experiences that come from the global south that are already, in the case of the gender identity law, a decade old and that have left significant changes in the realities of many LGBTI people.”
The Global Equality Caucus pointed out launch’s objectives are to share experiences and create a peer-to-peer learning process. The group at the same time also wants to form and strengthen networks among LGBTQ lawmakers and allies throughout Latin America and to build a working agenda on LGBTQ rights issues in the region.
Dávila, who is the first openly gay man and first person with HIV elected to the Guatemalan Congress, spoke with the Blade at the end of the meeting.
“It was fantastic,” he said. “We were able to identify the gaps that have been there forever and the need to get more members of the community into elected office, it’s key. We need to work more together to push for changes in favor of LGBTQ people.”
For him, the most important agreement “is the creation of law initiatives together.”
“In that sense, we agreed to launch law initiatives that are closely related,” said Dávila. “For example, we will fight to ban the misnamed conversion therapies and we will do it jointly in June. That will be an important step if we do it all together in the region, I think we will send a great message of union.”
Mexico City Assemblyman Temístocles Villanueva, who participated in the first Global Equality Caucus meeting in his country, had a similar opinion.
Villanueva explained to the Blade that “it was an event for the construction of the public, political and legislative agenda in the field of human rights of people of sexual diversity, having given priority to the search for bridges for cooperation, joining national and international actors.”
“We have focused on the need to share and transmit the Latin American experience for the struggle, recognition and defense of LGBTTTI+ rights through international platforms such as the caucus, connecting local work with regional and transnational cooperation networks for the defense of central causes,” added Villanueva.
Ortiz said “the next step is the construction of a consensus agenda, based on the inputs gathered in Mexico and Argentina, which will allow us to build a shared agenda that we can promote in a coordinated and articulated manner with the different members of the network.”
Detienen a Romeo Vásquez por asesinato de Isy Obed: ¿cuándo pagará por Vicky Hernández?
Líder trans fue asesinada durante el golpe de estado de 2019
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Casi 16 años después del asesinato de la líder trans Vicky Hernández, el general retirado Romeo Vásquez Velásquez fue capturado hoy como supuesto responsable de la muerte violenta de Isy Obed Murillo durante el golpe de Estado de 2009.
Tras el arresto, la opinión pública ha exigido justicia para Isy Murillo y la activista trans. Ambos fueron las primeras víctimas mortales del toque de queda encabezado por Vásquez Velásquez tras el golpe de Estado contra Manuel Zelaya Rosales en 2009.
La opinión pública se pregunta si de este modo se está allanando el camino para que los responsables paguen por el asesinato de Vicky Hernández e Isy Obed.
Junto con el general en retiro, las autoridades capturaron a otros jerarcas de las Fuerzas Armadas.
Estos arrestos, según el Ministerio Público, se deben a que estos militares comandaron y lideraron el operativo en que soldados abrieron fuego contra manifestantes opuestos al golpe de Estado, el 5 de julio de 2009.
Ese día, cientos de hondureños se aglomeraron cerca del aeropuerto Toncontín, en Tegucigalpa, para manifestarse y recibir al presidente Manuel Zelaya Rosales, quien iba a regresar en avión a Honduras.
Sin embargo, el ejército impidió la entrada de Zelaya en una acción en la cual mató de un balazo en la cabeza al joven Isy Obed Murillo.
«No solo incumplieron su deber de supervisar y controlar a sus subordinados, sino que, con pleno conocimiento de los hechos, permitieron y facilitaron estas atrocidades», dijo el MP en un comunicado.
A través de sus redes sociales, Romeo Vásquez respondió que la acusación en su contra es un intento del Gobierno de «callarlo a cualquier costo».
¿Pagará Romeo por el asesinato de Vicky?
Con la captura de Romeo Vásquez, el gobierno de Xiomara Castro parece haber dado un paso firme en busca de justicia para las víctimas del golpe de Estado de 2009.
Sin embargo, los arrestos de hoy han recibido también las críticas de grupos de la oposición y críticos de la administración de la presidenta Castro.
Por otro lado, la ciudadanía espera que no solo se haga justicia en el caso de Isy Obed Murillo, sino también en el de centenares de víctimas durante el mandato del general Romeo Vásquez bajo el gobierno de facto de Roberto Micheletti.
Por sobre todo, urge que las capturas de hoy abran la puerta para que las poblaciones LGBTQ victimizadas durante el golpe de Estado de hace 16 años reciban por fin una justicia largamente esperada.
Así, defensoras de los derechos de las diversidades esperan que las acciones de hoy sirvan para reivindicar a activistas como Vicky Hernández, asesinada entre el 28 y 29 de julio de 2009.
“¿Cuándo pagará Romeo Vásquez por el asesinato de Vicky Hernández?” es la pregunta que se hacen las organizaciones defensoras de derechos humanos de las poblaciones de la diversidad sexual en Honduras.
Según la sentencia de Vicky Hernández vs Honduras, la muerte de Vicky fue una ejecución extrajudicial cometida entre el 28 de junio y la madrugada del 29 de junio en San Pedro Sula, norte de Honduras.
El asesinato de la líder trans se dio en el marco del toque de queda y el golpe de Estado ejecutado por Roberto Micheletti contra Manuel “Mel” Zelaya a través del jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas, Romeo Vásquez Velásquez.
“Como representantes de las víctimas, exigimos justicia y no olvidar los asesinatos de personas LGBTI+ en el marco del golpe de Estado”, afirmó Indyra Mendoza de la Red Lésbica Cattrachas.
Asimismo, la Red Lésbica Cattrachas pidió al Ministerio Público que no olvide la sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH) del caso “Vicky Hernández vs Honduras”, donde se especifica que el asesinato de la líder trans fue una ejecución extrajudicial.
En su sentencia, la Corte constató indicios de participación de agentes estatales en la violación del derecho a la vida de Vicky Hernández en un contexto de violencia anti-LGBTQ.
El Estado reconoció en parte su responsabilidad internacional, ya que las autoridades no investigaron con diligencia el homicidio de Vicky. De hecho, según la Corte, las autoridades no consideraron el contexto de discriminación y violencia policial contra las personas LGBTQ y las mujeres trans trabajadoras sexuales.
Asimismo, el Tribunal determinó que, al haber sido asesinada y por el marco jurídico general de discriminación, se vulneraron los derechos a no discriminación y a la identidad de género de Vicky. A su vez, el Tribunal encontró que las familiares de Vicky Hernández resultaron afectadas por el sufrimiento que les causó su muerte, la permanente discriminación contra ella y la impunidad del homicidio.
En razón de estas violaciones, la Corte ordenó diversas medidas de reparación al Estado. Entre estas demandas está promover y continuar las investigaciones sobre el homicidio de Vicky Hernández.
Así reaccionan al arresto de Romeo
Minutos después de la captura del general retirado Romeo Vásquez para deducirle responsabilidades por la muerte violenta de Isy Obed Murillo, personalidades del ambiente político y social de Honduras salieron a dar declaraciones al respecto en medios y redes sociales.
El padre Ismael Moreno se halla entre quienes manifestaron su satisfacción por las capturas que hacen vislumbrar un rayo de esperanza a las familiares de las víctimas del golpe de 2009. En sus redes sociales, el padre Melo señaló que no es posible dejar “en el olvido” crímenes como el cometido contra Murillo.
“Que la justicia actúe con firmeza y conforme a debido proceso ante un militar que simboliza unas FF. AA. comprometidas con la impunidad. Ningún hecho de violación a derechos humanos y crímenes que vinculan al Estado contra inocentes prescriben ni pueden quedar en el olvido”, escribió Melo.
De manera parecida se expresó David Murillo, padre del joven asesinado en 2009. «No es persecución política, ¡él mató a mi hijo, él es el culpable!», afirmó el padre de Isy.
🚨 #ÚLTIMAHORA | 🗣️David Murillo: "No es persecución política, ¡él mató a mi hijo, él es el culpable!".
En #EXCLUSIVA, el padre de Isy Obed Murillo se pronuncia ante la captura de Romeo Vasquez Velázquez
— TSiHonduras (@TSiHonduras) January 5, 2025
Del mismo modo, el abogado Joaquín Mejía recomendó, por su parte, consultar el informe de la Comisión de la Verdad y la Reconciliación “que establece la responsabilidad de [Vásquez] en las graves violaciones a derechos humanos cometidas en el contexto del golpe de Estado”.
“Según la Comisión, la ‘responsabilidad del general […] está estrechamente ligada a la de Micheletti’”, publicó Mejía en sus redes. Además, afirmó que no debe olvidarse la responsabilidad del resto del Estado Mayor Conjunto.
Mientras tanto, la activista Berta Oliva ofreció un testimonio personal al recordar la manera como acompañó el dolor “de la madre y el padre de Isy Obed Murillo en su exilio en Argentina y en su romería interminable en Honduras”.
Para Oliva, la familia de Murillo ha recibido una “ofensa brutal” con “los años de silencio” alrededor del asesinato.
Entretanto, Gabriela Castellanos, del Consejo Hondureño Anticorrupción (CNA), volvió a mostrar por qué la consideran una de las críticas más duras del gobierno de Xiomara Castro.
“La persecución, la tortura y el asesinato de manera sistematizada de personas por motivos políticos en el marco del golpe de Estado en 2009, son hechos indiscutibles que hoy se disfrazan en nombre de la ‘justicia’”, aseguró Castellanos en X.
🗣️ Jorge Cálix: "Si se ha aplicado amnistía a otros como Rasel Tomé, el general puede solicitar ampararse en la misma ley".
— TSiHonduras (@TSiHonduras) January 5, 2025
Otro crítico de la acción de hoy del Ministerio Público, el analista político Olban Valladares, afirmó que la captura de Romeo Vásquez significa que el Ministerio Público “está cumpliendo instrucciones políticas de los que el pueblo ha identificado como los mandamases”.
Según Valladares, no es posible requerir a Vásquez porque “no se le ha probado ser ni el hechor material ni el intelectual” de la muerte violenta de Isy Murillo. Además criticó que Romeo “forma parte de un Estado Mayor Conjunto, una junta de comandantes, y se enfilan los cañones contra una sola persona”.
Entretanto, para el precandidato del Partido Liberal, Salvador Nasralla, medidas como el arresto del exjerarca militar Romeo Vásquez “sirven para asustar a la oposición”.
“En el caso de Romeo, lo que tienen que presentar son las pruebas por los que ellos creen que cometió”, agregó el presentador de televisión.
Declaraciones del Candidato Presidencial del Partido Liberal Salvador Nasralla sobre la persecución política que ha iniciado hoy 5 de enero 2025 el gobierno dictatorial de honduras.
— Salvador Nasralla (@SalvaPresidente) January 5, 2025
A las voces de la oposición que se alzaron contra la decisión del MP se unió el Partido Liberal, el cual declaró que está preocupado por la detención de Vásquez, “curiosamente avalada por funcionarios del Gobierno”.
Además, demandó al Ministerio Público que respete los derechos de Vásquez y pidió “no permitir por ningún motivo que se instale en nuestro país una nueva Venezuela”.
El Partido Nacional, por su parte, exigió «justicia plena, imparcial» y no usar las instituciones para vengarse.
La esposa de Romeo Vásquez, Lisbeth Zelaya, declaró que hace días habían amenazado a su esposo con encarcelarlo y que lo capturaron “sin pruebas”.
Para finalizar, las Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras se manifestaron la noche de hoy por medio de un comunicado sobre “la captura de tres exmiembros de esta institución”.
A continuación, la institución armada afirmó en el boletín que condena “todo golpe de Estado” y que rechaza “cualquier acción que implique la violación de los derechos humanos y las garantías constitucionales”.
Asimismo, las FF. AA. garantizó “que no habrá más golpes de Estado” y que “por ningún motivo las armas confiadas a nuestra institución serán utilizadas para afectar a nuestro pueblo”.
Latin America
Latin America elections present challenges, opportunities for LGBTQ community
Voters in Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Venezuela to go to polls this year
Activists throughout the region agree the elections offer a crucial opportunity to advance the inclusion and protection of the rights of their community amid far-right advances.
Venezuela’s presidential election will take place on July 28, while Brazil’s municipal elections will happen on Oct. 6. Regional and municipal elections will take place in Chile on Oct. 27. Uruguay’s congressional elections are slated to occur on the same day.
María José Cumplido, executive director of Fundación Iguales in Chile, emphasized the importance of having LGBTQ representation in politics.
“It is fundamental because LGBTQ+ people tend to support laws or public policies aimed at protecting the community,” Cumplido told the Washington Blade. “In that sense, it is important that the voices of these people are heard because, obviously, they know the reality more closely and many times they have lived it.”
Cumplido noted “LGBTQ+ representation has grown notoriously in recent years, so much so that today there is an LGBTQ+ caucus in Congress.”
“That is good news,” said Cumplido.
Ignacia Oyarzún, president of Organizado Trans Diversidades (Organizing Trans Diversities or OTD), also from Chile, highlighted the observation and registration work the Trans Voting Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean has done. Oyarzún also noted the promotion of transgender candidates as a way to combat misinformation a promote respect for the community’s political rights.
“We monitor the situation of the political rights of our communities in the region and establish guidelines through which we encourage respect for the right to elect representatives and to be elected,” said Oyarzún. “We also maintain initiatives that have to do with the dissemination of trans candidacies and news that go against the disinformation established through false news that have begun to circulate through the various social and political media.”
Collette Spinetti, president of the Colectivo Trans del Uruguay, pointed out the challenges faced by LGBTQ people in politics, especially trans people.
“The biggest challenge is to achieve trustworthiness especially towards gender-dissident people in their ability to be able to hold public office,” said Spinetti.
“In Uruguay politics is still quite macho, especially in the so-called traditional and right-wing parties where there is no political representation of members of the LGBTIQ+ community,” Spinetti further explained. “On the left, although there is, thanks to internal work, female representation, there is still a lack of work.”
“In this sense the scarce LGBTIQ+ representation is present through gay men,” added Spinetti. “There is still no representation of publicly lesbian people and only one representation in the interior of the country of a trans woman.”
In Brazil, Keila Simpson, president of Associaçao Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais (National Association of Travestis and Transsexuals or ANTRA), highlighted the diversity of LGBTQ representation in the country’s politics. Simpson nevertheless recognized the importance of mandates that go beyond identity and address a wide range of issues that benefit the entire community.
“The challenges for LGBTQIA people when it comes to applying for positions in Brazil are many,” she said. “The first one is the way Brazilian society sees this stigmatized and completely stereotyped population. If we think about the trans population, this violence is even greater, since in addition to being smaller in number, the discrimination is even greater because this population is commonly associated with eroticism and hypersexualization of their bodies, and these are the main problems these people face. they are associated when they run for prominent positions or leaders, even in the partisan political arena.”
In Venezuela, Richelle Briceño, a trans woman and former congressional candidate, on the other hand, lamented the lack of presidential candidacies that explicitly defend LGBTQ rights. She noted the country still faces fundamental challenges that prevent a serious debate on these issues.
“There are candidates who have expressed themselves against non-discrimination, but that’s as far as it goes,” Briceño recounted. “There are no specific candidates that I can tell you who even handle what the definition of the word queer is and how it is understood, let’s say, within LGBTQ+ activism.”
Briceño said María Corina Machado, an opposition leader who President Nicolás Maduro’s government has barred from running for office, has “come out in favor of issues such as equal civil marriage and the issue of recognition of trans identities.” Briceño noted to the Blade that Edmundo González Urrutia, who is running as her surrogate, did not meet with LGBTQ activists until last week.
“These activists exposed their points of view, however, the current candidate leading the polls has not made a public statement regarding his position or what his position will be on the issues of LGBT rights in Venezuela,” said Briceño.
Briceño further stressed that Venezuela “is still in a cave.”
“Here the country is in the basics, the country is in not losing electricity, in having water and in seeing how people eat daily,” she said. “The political and economic crisis that we have lived through for two decades, and with more depth in the last decade, has not allowed for a serious debate on the issues of the 21st century, including the rights of sexual diversity populations or the LGBT population and women”.
José Rodríguez, a Venezuelan psychologist who, like many of his compatriots had to leave his country, said that “as a young Venezuelan exiled in Chile for eight years, today I feel the tranquility of living in a society where a governmental interest in the welfare of my community is appreciated, expressed by a legal framework that although it could be better; compared to the overwhelming setbacks that have occurred in recent weeks in neighboring countries and the constant lethargy of Venezuela in terms of advancing the LGBTQIA+ agenda, is deeply painful and worrying.”
Gilead Sciences awards grants to HIV/AIDS groups in Latin America, Caribbean
Stigma, criminalization laws among barriers to fighting pandemic in region
Gilead Sciences this week announced it has given $4 million in grants to 35 organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean that fight HIV/AIDS.
A press release notes Asociación Panamericana de Mercadeo Social (Pan-American Association of Social Marketing) in Nicaragua, Fundación Genesis (Genesis Foundation) in Panama, Fundación por una Sociedad Empoderada (Foundation for an Empowered Society) in Argentina, Associação Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais (National Association of Travestis and Transsexuals) in Brazil and Caribbean Vulnerable Communities are among the groups that received grants. Gilead notes this funding through its Zeroing In: Ending the HIV Epidemic in Latin America and the Caribbean will “improve access to care, increase health equity and reduce HIV-related stigma for populations most affected by HIV.”
“The HIV prevention and care needs of people throughout Latin America and the Caribbean are incredibly diverse, and each of these programs addresses a unique community challenge,” said Gilead Vice President of Corporate Giving Carmen Villar. “Our grantees are deeply embedded in their communities and best positioned to provide needed HIV care and support services.”
“Their expertise will be essential to achieve the Zeroing In program’s goals of improving access to comprehensive care among priority populations, decreasing HIV-related stigma and reducing HIV and broader health inequities,” she added.
The pandemic disproportionately affects transgender people and sex workers, among other groups, in the region. Activists and HIV/AIDS service providers in the region with whom the Washington Blade has previously spoken say discrimination, stigma, poverty, a lack of access to health care and criminalization laws are among the myriad challenges they face.
First Lady Jill Biden in 2022 during a trip to Panama announced the U.S. will provide an additional $80.9 million in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Latin America through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.
Cuba in 2015 became the first country in the world to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV. The Cuban government until 1993 forcibly quarantined people with HIV/AIDS in state-run sanitaria.
Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago in recent years have decriminalized consensual same-sex sexual relations.
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in 2021 ruled Jamaica must repeal its colonial-era sodomy law. The country’s Supreme Court last year ruled against a gay man who challenged it.
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